HOWTO: Cleaning up orphaned Appx packages that prevent #Sysprep from running on #Windows Server 2019

Recently, I had a customer who needed to expand the number of Windows Server 2019 instances in their Citrix Virtual Apps pool to be able to support more work from home staff. As the base image was rather complex with many traditional apps (and absolutely no Appx packages in use), rather than manually build a new 2019 server image, I decided to clone one of the existing servers and then just sysprep it. However, when I ran sysprep on the cloned server – it not surprisingly failed. The reason I say not surprisingly is because the base instances were all originally Windows Server 2016 which had over time been inplace upgraded to 2019. And we all know that Microsoft doesn’t support sysprep on inplace upgraded OSes anyways. Plus – with roaming user profiles, Appx packages end up “installed” for users that don’t actually exist in the OS instance anymore, but the Appx management mechanism fails to cleanup after itself. So what’s a fellow to do?

Well – first off, give the middle finger to Microsoft, and then find a way to work around it… And if you are here reading this, I’m guessing you’ve already given that middle finger to Microsoft and are now looking for a way to work around it…

I’m about to share how I worked around it and successfully sysprepped that clone of the production 2019 instance. I will also apologize to you in advance as WordPress has made some rather undesirable changes to it’s editor and posting system and I’m currently struggling to format this post correctly, so I’m not sure how this post is actually going to turn out…

And as always before I begin:

Use any tips, tricks, or scripts I post at your own risk.

On the machine you want to sysprep, download the current DB Browser for SQLite from and extract to it C:\TEMP.

Make a backup of “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd” to C:\TEMP:

  • robocopy “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository” “C:\TEMP” “StateRepository-Machine.srd” /zb

Verify the only user account defined on the machine is for Administrator, and that C:\Users only contains Administrator, Default, and Public folders. Also verify that “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList” only contains the SID for the local Administrator along with S-1-5-18, S-1-5-19, and S-1-5-20.

Before continuing, I would strongly recommend shutting down the machine at this point and taking a snapshot of it…

Launch the DB Browser using psexec (

  • psexec -i -d -s “C:\TEMP\DB Browser for SQLite\DB Browser for SQLite.exe” “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd”

In the DB Browser, drop all triggers with the following SQL statements (you should be able to cut and paste the entire list below all at once into the “Execute SQL” tab and then click the “Execute all” button) :

  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTERDELETE_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup_DynamicAppUriHandler”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTERDELETE_PackageUser_AppExecutionAliasUser_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTERINSERT_PackageUser_PackageFamilyUser”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTERUPDATE_PackageUser__Created_LongRunningTransactionUpdateDuringCommit”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTERUPDATE_Package__Created_LongRunningTransactionUpdateDuringCommit”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_Application_SRJournal”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_PackageFamily_SRJournal”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_BEFOREDELETE_PackageUser_PackageFamilyUser”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_ActivityContext_ProductId”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_AppUriHandler_ProgID_Extension”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_AppxExtension_User_Package_Category_KeyString_RegistrationInformation”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_BackgroundServiceAgent_ProductId_TaskId_BackgroundSpecifier_BackgroundName_BackgroundSource_BackgroundType__WorkId”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_BundlePackage_Bundle_Version_Architecture_ResourceId__WorkId”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_DynamicAppUriHandler_ProgID_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_OptionalBundlePackage_OptionalBundle_Version_Architecture_ResourceId__WorkId”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_Package_PackageFamily_ResourceId_Architecture_Version__WorkId”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_PublisherCacheFolder_PackageExtension_FolderName”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_WorkInProgress_Key”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_XapExtension_Consumer_Supplier_ExtensionCategory_ExtensionId_SupplierTaskId__WorkId”;
  • DROP TRIGGER “TRG_IDX_Xap_ProductId__WorkId”;

Now, drop all the user records with the following SQL commands (clear the Execute SQL window of the trigger drop statements and paste these instead, then and execute them):

  • DELETE FROM PackageFamilyUser;
  • DELETE FROM PackageUser;
  • DELETE FROM PackageUserChangeLog;
  • DELETE FROM PrimaryTileUser;
  • DELETE FROM PrimaryTileUserChangeLog;
  • DELETE FROM DeploymentHistory;

If the machines was inplace upgraded from Windows Server 2016, drop the 2016 specific packages as well:

  • DELETE FROM Package where PackageFullName like “%14393%”;
  • DELETE FROM PackageIdentity where PackageFullName like “%14393%”;
  • DELETE FROM MrtApplication where DisplayNameReference like “%14393%”;
  • DELETE FROM MrtPackage where DisplayNameReference like “%14393%”;

Next, check Package, PackageIdentity, MrtApplication, and MrtPackage tables for left over packages from Windows Server 2016 and delete any found.  Examples of these left over packages after an inplace upgrade are:

  • Microsoft.Windows.SecondaryTileExperience_10.0.0.0_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  • windows.immersivecontrolpanel_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  • Windows.MiracastView_6.3.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  • Windows.PrintDialog_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

As a side note, in my testing – these are the only packages present on a brand new 2019 installation (for comparision purposes to your installation):

  1. 1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  2. c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  3. E2A4F912-2574-4A75-9BB0-0D023378592B_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  4. F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  5. InputApp_1000.17763.1.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  6. Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_1000.17763.1.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  7. Microsoft.AccountsControl_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  8. Microsoft.AsyncTextService_10.0.17763.1_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe
  9. Microsoft.BioEnrollment_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  10. Microsoft.CredDialogHost_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  11. Microsoft.ECApp_10.0.17763.1_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe
  12. Microsoft.LockApp_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  13. Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  14. Microsoft.Windows.Apprep.ChxApp_1000.17763.1.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  15. Microsoft.Windows.CapturePicker_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  16. Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  17. Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.11.6.17763_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  18. Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_8wekyb3d8bbwe
  19. Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  20. Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  21. Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  22. Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog_1000.17763.1.0_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  23. Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI_10.0.17763.1_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
  24. Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  25. Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  26. Windows.CBSPreview_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  27. windows.immersivecontrolpanel_10.0.2.1000_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
  28. Windows.PrintDialog_6.2.1.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

In my experience, 1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy was always the first native 2019 package when sorting by “package_ID”. Also note that there could be duplicate packages here (i.e. PrintDialog and, so start by only deleting the older one (it will generally have a package_ID that is lower than 1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy).

Now recreate the trigger statements (clear the Execute SQL window of the delete statements and paste these instead and execute them):

  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERDELETE_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup_DynamicAppUriHandler AFTER DELETE ON DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled()BEGIN DELETE FROM DynamicAppUriHandler WHERE DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup=OLD._DynamicAppUriHandlerGroupID;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERDELETE_PackageUser_AppExecutionAliasUser_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup AFTER DELETE ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled()BEGIN DELETE FROM AppExecutionAliasUser WHERE User=OLD.User AND ApplicationIdentity NOT IN (SELECT ai._ApplicationIdentityID FROM ApplicationIdentity AS ai INNER JOIN Application AS a ON a.ApplicationUserModelId=ai.ApplicationUserModelId INNER JOIN PackageUser AS pu ON pu.Package=a.Package WHERE pu.User=OLD.User);DELETE FROM DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup WHERE User=OLD.User AND PackageFamily NOT IN (SELECT p.PackageFamily FROM Package AS p INNER JOIN PackageUser AS pu ON pu.Package=p._PackageID WHERE pu.User=OLD.User);END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERDELETE_PackageUser_Key AFTER DELETE ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND OLD._WorkId=0 BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=1;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO PackageUserChangelog(_Revision, _WorkId, _Created, _Deleted, User, Package, _PackageUserID, WhenOccurred, _Dictionary)SELECT 1, workid(), OLD._Created, s.LastValue, OLD.User, OLD.Package, OLD._PackageUserID, now(), NULL FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=1;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERDELETE_Package_Key AFTER DELETE ON Package FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND OLD._WorkId=0 BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=1;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO PackageChangelog(_Revision, _WorkId, _Created, _Deleted, PackageFullName, _PackageID, WhenOccurred, _Dictionary)SELECT 1, workid(), OLD._Created, s.LastValue, OLD.PackageFullName, OLD._PackageID, now(), NULL FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=1;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERDELETE_PrimaryTileUser_Key AFTER DELETE ON PrimaryTileUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND OLD._WorkId=0 BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=1;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO PrimaryTileUserChangelog(_Revision, _WorkId, _Created, _Deleted, User, TileUniqueId, WhenOccurred, _Dictionary)SELECT 1, workid(), OLD._Created, s.LastValue, OLD.User, OLD.TileUniqueId, now(), NULL FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=1;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERDELETE_SecondaryTileUser_Key AFTER DELETE ON SecondaryTileUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND OLD._WorkId=0 BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=1;INSERT OR REPLACE INTO SecondaryTileUserChangelog(_Revision, _WorkId, _Created, _Deleted, User, TileUniqueId, WhenOccurred, _Dictionary)SELECT 1, workid(), OLD._Created, s.LastValue, OLD.User, OLD.TileUniqueId, now(), NULL FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=1;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_Application AFTER INSERT ON Application FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ApplicationIdentity (ApplicationUserModelId) VALUES(NEW.ApplicationUserModelId);UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageIdentity, ApplicationIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 3, 1, NEW._ApplicationID, pi._PackageIdentityID, ai._ApplicationIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi CROSS JOIN Package AS p CROSS JOIN ApplicationIdentity AS ai WHERE s.Id=2 AND pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName AND p._PackageID=NEW.Package AND ai.ApplicationUserModelId=NEW.ApplicationUserModelId;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_Package AFTER INSERT ON Package FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO PackageIdentity (PackageFamily, PackageFullName) VALUES(NEW.PackageFamily, NEW.PackageFullName);UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 1, 1, NEW._PackageID, pi._PackageIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi WHERE s.Id=2 AND pi.PackageFullName=NEW.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_PackageFamily_SRJournal AFTER INSERT ON PackageFamily FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageFamily, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 5, 1, NEW._PackageFamilyID, NEW._PackageFamilyID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=2 ;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_PackageUser_Key AFTER INSERT ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND NEW._WorkId=0 AND NEW._Created=0 BEGIN DELETE FROM PackageUserChangelog WHERE NEW._Created=0 AND User=NEW.User AND User=NEW.User AND Package=NEW.Package;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_PackageUser_PackageFamilyUser AFTER INSERT ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled()BEGIN INSERT OR IGNORE INTO PackageFamilyUser (PackageFamily, User, WhenInstalled, _Revision)SELECT p.PackageFamily, NEW.User, now(), 1 FROM Package AS p INNER JOIN PackageUser AS pu ON pu.Package=p._PackageID WHERE (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM User WHERE _UserID=NEW.User AND UserSid<>X’010100000000000512000000′))AND NEW.Package=p._PackageID;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_PackageUser_SRJournal AFTER INSERT ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, User, PackageIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 2, 1, NEW._PackageUserID, NEW.User, pi._PackageIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN Package AS p CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi ON pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName WHERE s.Id=2 AND p._PackageID=NEW.Package AND pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_Package_Key AFTER INSERT ON Package FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND NEW._WorkId=0 AND NEW._Created=0 BEGIN DELETE FROM PackageChangelog WHERE NEW._Created=0 AND PackageFullName=NEW.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_PrimaryTileUser_Key AFTER INSERT ON PrimaryTileUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND NEW._WorkId=0 AND NEW._Created=0 BEGIN DELETE FROM PrimaryTileUserChangelog WHERE NEW._Created=0 AND User=NEW.User AND TileUniqueId=NEW.TileUniqueId;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_SecondaryTileUser_Key AFTER INSERT ON SecondaryTileUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled() AND NEW._WorkId=0 AND NEW._Created=0 BEGIN DELETE FROM SecondaryTileUserChangelog WHERE NEW._Created=0 AND User=NEW.User AND TileUniqueId=NEW.TileUniqueId;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERINSERT_User_SRJournal AFTER INSERT ON User FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, User, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 4, 1, NEW._UserID, NEW._UserID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=2 ;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERUPDATE_PackageUser__Created_LongRunningTransactionUpdateDuringCommit AFTER UPDATE OF _Created ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN OLD._Created=-2 AND NEW._Created>0 BEGIN DELETE FROM PackageUserChangelog WHERE User=NEW.User AND Package=NEW.Package;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTERUPDATE_Package__Created_LongRunningTransactionUpdateDuringCommit AFTER UPDATE OF _Created ON Package FOR EACH ROW WHEN OLD._Created=-2 AND NEW._Created>0 BEGIN DELETE FROM PackageChangelog WHERE PackageFullName=NEW.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_Application_SRJournal AFTER UPDATE ON Application FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageIdentity, ApplicationIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 3, 2, NEW._ApplicationID, pi._PackageIdentityID, ai._ApplicationIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi CROSS JOIN Package AS p CROSS JOIN ApplicationIdentity AS ai WHERE s.Id=2 AND pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName AND p._PackageID=NEW.Package AND ai.ApplicationUserModelId=NEW.ApplicationUserModelId;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_PackageFamily_SRJournal AFTER UPDATE ON PackageFamily FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageFamily, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 5, 2, NEW._PackageFamilyID, NEW._PackageFamilyID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=2 ;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_PackageUser_SRJournal AFTER UPDATE ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, User, PackageIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 2, 2, NEW._PackageUserID, NEW.User, pi._PackageIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN Package AS p CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi ON pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName WHERE s.Id=2 AND p._PackageID=NEW.Package AND pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_Package_SRJournal AFTER UPDATE ON Package FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 1, 2, NEW._PackageID, pi._PackageIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi WHERE s.Id=2 AND pi.PackageFullName=NEW.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_User_SRJournal AFTER UPDATE ON User FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, User, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 4, 2, NEW._UserID, NEW._UserID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=2 ;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_Application_SRJournal BEFORE DELETE ON Application FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageIdentity, ApplicationIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 3, 3, OLD._ApplicationID, pi._PackageIdentityID, ai._ApplicationIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi CROSS JOIN Package AS p CROSS JOIN ApplicationIdentity AS ai WHERE s.Id=2 AND pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName AND p._PackageID=OLD.Package AND ai.ApplicationUserModelId=OLD.ApplicationUserModelId;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_PackageFamily_SRJournal BEFORE DELETE ON PackageFamily FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageFamily, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 5, 3, OLD._PackageFamilyID, OLD._PackageFamilyID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=2 ;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_PackageUser_PackageFamilyUser BEFORE DELETE ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW WHEN is_triggers_enabled()BEGIN DELETE FROM PackageFamilyUser WHERE (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM User WHERE _UserID=OLD.User AND UserSid<> X’010100000000000512000000′))AND User=OLD.User AND PackageFamily IN (SELECT p.PackageFamily FROM Package AS p INNER JOIN PackageUser AS pu ON pu.Package=p._PackageID WHERE OLD.Package=pu.Package AND OLD.User=pu.User LIMIT 1) AND (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM PackageUser AS pu INNER JOIN Package AS p ON p.rowid=pu.Package WHERE p.PackageFamily IN (SELECT p.PackageFamily FROM Package AS p INNER JOIN PackageUser AS pu ON pu.Package=p._PackageID WHERE OLD.Package=pu.Package AND OLD.User=pu.User)) <= 1));END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_PackageUser_SRJournal BEFORE DELETE ON PackageUser FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, User, PackageIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 2, 3, OLD._PackageUserID, OLD.User, pi._PackageIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN Package AS p CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi ON pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName WHERE s.Id=2 AND p._PackageID=OLD.Package AND pi.PackageFullName=p.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_Package_SRJournal BEFORE DELETE ON Package FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, PackageIdentity, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 1, 3, OLD._PackageID, pi._PackageIdentityID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s CROSS JOIN PackageIdentity AS pi WHERE s.Id=2 AND pi.PackageFullName=OLD.PackageFullName;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_SRJournal_SRJournalArchive BEFORE DELETE ON SRJournal FOR EACH ROW WHEN sroptions() & 0x00100000 != 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO SRJournalArchive(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, “Action”, ObjectId, Flags,User, PackageFamily, PackageIdentity, ApplicationIdentity,WhenOccurred, SequenceId, _Dictionary)SELECT OLD._Revision, OLD._WorkId, OLD.ObjectType, OLD.”Action”, OLD.ObjectId, OLD.Flags,OLD.User, OLD.PackageFamily, OLD.PackageIdentity, OLD.ApplicationIdentity,OLD.WhenOccurred, OLD.SequenceId, OLD._Dictionary;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_BEFOREDELETE_User_SRJournal BEFORE DELETE ON User FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE Sequence SET LastValue=LastValue+1 WHERE Id=2 ;INSERT INTO SRJournal(_Revision, _WorkId, ObjectType, Action, ObjectId, User, WhenOccurred, SequenceId)SELECT 1, workid(), 4, 3, OLD._UserID, OLD._UserID, now(), s.LastValue FROM Sequence AS s WHERE s.Id=2 ;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_ActivityContext_ProductId BEFORE INSERT ON ActivityContext FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _ActivityContextID FROM ActivityContext WHERE ProductId IS NEW.ProductId) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “ActivityContext” violates the unique index “IDX_ActivityContext_ProductId”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_AppUriHandler_ProgID_Extension BEFORE INSERT ON AppUriHandler FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _AppUriHandlerID FROM AppUriHandler WHERE ProgID IS NEW.ProgID AND Extension=NEW.Extension) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “AppUriHandler” violates the unique index “IDX_AppUriHandler_ProgID_Extension”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_AppxExtension_User_Package_Category_KeyString_RegistrationInformation BEFORE INSERT ON AppxExtension FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _AppxExtensionID FROM AppxExtension WHERE User=NEW.User AND Package=NEW.Package AND Category=NEW.Category AND KeyString IS NEW.KeyString AND RegistrationInformation=NEW.RegistrationInformation) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “AppxExtension” violates the unique index “IDX_AppxExtension_User_Package_Category_KeyString_RegistrationInformation”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_BackgroundServiceAgent_ProductId_TaskId_BackgroundSpecifier_BackgroundName_BackgroundSource_BackgroundType__WorkId BEFORE INSERT ON BackgroundServiceAgent FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _BackgroundServiceAgentID FROM BackgroundServiceAgent WHERE ProductId=NEW.ProductId AND TaskId=NEW.TaskId AND BackgroundSpecifier IS NEW.BackgroundSpecifier AND BackgroundName IS NEW.BackgroundName AND BackgroundSource IS NEW.BackgroundSource AND BackgroundType IS NEW.BackgroundType AND _WorkId=NEW._WorkId) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “BackgroundServiceAgent” violates the unique index “IDX_BackgroundServiceAgent_ProductId_TaskId_BackgroundSpecifier_BackgroundName_BackgroundSource_BackgroundType__WorkId”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_BundlePackage_Bundle_Version_Architecture_ResourceId__WorkId BEFORE INSERT ON BundlePackage FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _BundlePackageID FROM BundlePackage WHERE Bundle=NEW.Bundle AND Version=NEW.Version AND Architecture=NEW.Architecture AND ResourceId IS NEW.ResourceId AND _WorkId=NEW._WorkId AND Bundle<>0) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “BundlePackage” violates the unique index “IDX_BundlePackage_Bundle_Version_Architecture_ResourceId__WorkId”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_DynamicAppUriHandler_ProgID_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup BEFORE INSERT ON DynamicAppUriHandler FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _DynamicAppUriHandlerID FROM DynamicAppUriHandler WHERE ProgID IS NEW.ProgID AND DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup=NEW.DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “DynamicAppUriHandler” violates the unique index “IDX_DynamicAppUriHandler_ProgID_DynamicAppUriHandlerGroup”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_OptionalBundlePackage_OptionalBundle_Version_Architecture_ResourceId__WorkId BEFORE INSERT ON OptionalBundlePackage FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _OptionalBundlePackageID FROM OptionalBundlePackage WHERE OptionalBundle=NEW.OptionalBundle AND Version=NEW.Version AND Architecture=NEW.Architecture AND ResourceId IS NEW.ResourceId AND _WorkId=NEW._WorkId AND OptionalBundle<>0) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “OptionalBundlePackage” violates the unique index “IDX_OptionalBundlePackage_OptionalBundle_Version_Architecture_ResourceId__WorkId”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_Package_PackageFamily_ResourceId_Architecture_Version__WorkId BEFORE INSERT ON Package FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _PackageID FROM Package WHERE PackageFamily=NEW.PackageFamily AND ResourceId IS NEW.ResourceId AND Architecture=NEW.Architecture AND Version=NEW.Version AND _WorkId=NEW._WorkId) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “Package” violates the unique index “IDX_Package_PackageFamily_ResourceId_Architecture_Version__WorkId”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_PublisherCacheFolder_PackageExtension_FolderName BEFORE INSERT ON PublisherCacheFolder FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _PublisherCacheFolderID FROM PublisherCacheFolder WHERE PackageExtension=NEW.PackageExtension AND FolderName IS NEW.FolderName) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “PublisherCacheFolder” violates the unique index “IDX_PublisherCacheFolder_PackageExtension_FolderName”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_WorkInProgress_Key BEFORE INSERT ON WorkInProgress FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _WorkInProgressID FROM WorkInProgress WHERE “Key” IS NEW.”Key”) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “WorkInProgress” violates the unique index “IDX_WorkInProgress_Key”‘)END;END;
  • CREATE TRIGGER TRG_IDX_XapExtension_Consumer_Supplier_ExtensionCategory_ExtensionId_SupplierTaskId__WorkId BEFORE INSERT ON XapExtension FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT _XapExtensionID FROM XapExtension WHERE Consumer IS NEW.Consumer AND Supplier=NEW.Supplier AND ExtensionCategory=NEW.ExtensionCategory AND ExtensionId=NEW.ExtensionId AND SupplierTaskId=NEW.SupplierTaskId AND _WorkId=NEW._WorkId) IS NOT NULL)THEN RAISE(ABORT, ‘INSERT INTO “XapExtension” violates the unique index “IDX_XapExtension_Consumer_Supplier_ExtensionCategory_ExtensionId_SupplierTaskId__WorkId”‘)END;END;

Close the DB Browser, and open PowerShell. Check for remaining provisioned packages against users (the output of this should be blank)

  • Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | foreach {
  • $row = $_
  • $row.PackageUserInformation | foreach {
  • $info = $_
  • [pscustomobject]@{Package=$row.packagefullname
  • user=$info.UserSecurityId.sid
  • username=$info.UserSecurityId.Username
  • installstate=$info.installstate}}}

Ideally at this point, shutdown the VM and take another snapshot before attempting to run sysprep.

I would also highly recommending connecting via the VMware console as opposed to RDP to run sysprep so you can see what is actually happening (otherwise you’ll lose connection via RDP before sysprep completes running and you’ll never know if it failed or not).

If sysprep does fails, check C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther\setuperr.log to see what package you missed. Revert your snapshot, launch the DB Browser for SQLite again, delete the triggers, then clean up the missed package, recreate the triggers, reboot, and try your sysprep again. It may take you a few attempts to fully clean up all the necessary packages before sysprep successfully completes, but eventually you’ll get there!

Keep in mind – this is totally unsupported by Microsoft, and who knows what this may break in the future… Use the above instructions completley at your own risk!!!

Windows 10 Updates failing with error code 0x80244018

Recently at a client site, I setup a new Windows 10 1809 VM to use as a Citrix XenDesktop template.  Based on the OU the VM was in, it had a GPO configured to make it use WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) for updates.  And I could see according to the WSUS console that the VM was 100% patched.  But in Windows 10, when I would go to Windows Update, Windows 10 was insisting there are still updates to install, but the updates would always fail within a minute or so with an error code of 0x80244018.  I even manually downloaded the updates from the MS Catalog Website and installed them using WUSA, and yet the updates still appeared as required in Windows Update, and it would still fail with an error code of 0x80244018.  I won’t mention the several swear words that followed each time it occurred during my troubleshooting!

As most IT admins know by now, Microsoft got rid of logging Windows Updates to C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log and switched to using trace files.  This method of logging is virtually impossible to read in it’s native format.  However, Microsoft has create a PowerShell command that will allow you to export those trace files to a good old fashion text file.  You just need to run Get-WindowsUpdateLog and it will spit out all those trace files to a new plain text file on your desktop called WindowsUpdate.log.

So once I had exported the trace files and opened WindowsUpdate.log with Notepad++, I found this (note – I replaced http with hxxp because WordPress loves to auto-convert to URLs without notice):

2019/07/31 08:44:35.0072804 9140  2220  DownloadManager DO job {CD46C84C-73C5-4002-8EC7-B4ACCE3140E2}, updateId = 9B908E38-BA5D-4462-81E6-C52E06A94B1A.1 failed on HTTP 403 error after retries

2019/07/31 08:44:35.0073096 9140  2220  DownloadManager DO job {CD46C84C-73C5-4002-8EC7-B4ACCE3140E2} failed, updateId = 9B908E38-BA5D-4462-81E6-C52E06A94B1A.1, hr = 0x80190193. File URL = hxxp://, local path = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\42dbab2cf910a424dffa836a33879dc0\, The response headers = HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden: body content-type denied  Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1″    “

So Windows Update was ignoring WSUS and connecting directly to MS, even though the GPO was set to use my WSUS server – which is troubling to me, but not the the focal point of this writing today.

I took the File URL and pasted it into IE on the Windows 10 VM and got the following error:

2019.07.31 - 09.11.32 - SNAGIT - 0295

Ok… Now I’ve got the real reason for the 403 error.  So we are using a WatchGuard M370 cluster for this customer, and have an HTTP Proxy configured – which incidentally is blocking Windows CAB files (which it does by default).  So it was simply matter of adding * to the HTTP Proxy Exceptions.

2019.07.31 - 09.29.10 - SNAGIT - 0296

After saving the updated configuration to the cluster, and rebooting the VM, Windows Update successfully downloaded the two outstanding updates and installed them.

So while this doesn’t address why Windows 10 felt the need to pull these updates down directly from the Microsoft servers instead of WSUS, at least now I’m no longer getting error 0x80244018, and I can roll it out to the XenDesktop users.

HOWTO: Manually uninstall Citrix StoreFront after a 1603 MSI Installer error during an upgrade or uninstall (#Citrix #StoreFront #msiexec)

Many of my clients utilize Citrix XenDesktop or XenApp and thus Citrix StoreFront.  Once it is initially configured and running, things are generally pretty smooth going.  But when it comes time to perform in-place upgrades of Citrix StoreFront, sometimes things get a bit hairy and go off track, usually ending up with a dreaded 1603 MSI installer error.  Then you are royally screwed because the StoreFront installation is half installed (or half uninstalled if you are an optimist) and you can’t repair, reinstall, or even uninstall using normal methods.  Below are the notes I’ve developed for myself and my support team to manually uninstall StoreFront should the need arise – which it does, often.


These notes are based on single server stand alone installs of Citrix StoreFront versions, , and (as in I’ve used these notes to manually uninstall those versions before).  I have used these notes on XenApp 6.5 servers and on XenDesktop 7.x controllers without any issues.  Your mileage may vary though.

As always – Use any tips, tricks, or scripts I post at your own risk.

**Warning** Reboot and take a VM snapshot of the StoreFront server before doing anything else.  A reboot is a requirement before doing anything with StoreFront, it doesn’t matter if you are doing an install / upgrade, or are already screwed and need to manually uninstall – reboot before continuing!!!  And if you do not reboot – YOU WILL GET ERRORS that will prevent the instructions below from working.

Immediately after you have rebooted, open an elevated Command Prompt and remove all thumbs.db files on the StoreFront server which can be locked opened by Windows Explorer and cause the uninstaller to fail:

cd \
del /s thumbs.db


Next, verify that the HTML5 Client is actually installed on the machine, otherwise the uninstaller will likely fail later on.

msiexec /i "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront\Features\HTML5Client\template\HTML5Installer.msi"

If you get a repair / remove Windows Installer dialog box, then it is installed and you can just exit the installer, otherwise install using the default settings.

Open the StoreFront MMC, and if it allows you (which it likely won’t), delete all your stores.

Open Add/Remove Programs and uninstall the Citrix Receiver if it is installed.

Open an elevated Powershell console.  Add the Delivery Services Framework snapin,  remove all the Feature Instances, then confirm they are all removed.

**Note – only add the single snapin listed below, otherwise you potentially will end up with files locked open during the removal process, which can cause the removal to fail**

### Add the Citrix Delivery Services Framework Powershell Snapin
add-pssnapin Citrix.DeliveryServices.Framework.Commands

### Remove all DS FeatureInstances
Remove-DSFeatureInstance -all -confirm:$false

### Verify all FeatureInstances are deleted - you should see just {} listed

### If any FeatureInstances are still listed, remove manually them with the next line, otherwise skip to Uninstall-DSFeatureClass
remove-dsfeatureinstance -featureinstanceid feature_name


Stop the Storefront services if they are still running before continuing.

Close Powershell

**Note – it is very important you close the PowerShell console at this point and reopen a new one before continuing below and attempting to remove StoreFront’s Feature Classes, otherwise the removal of the Feature Classes will fail**

Open a new elevated Powershell console (see warning above).  Add just the Delivery Services Framework snapin,  remove all the Feature Classes, then confirm they are all removed.

###Add the Citrix Delivery Services Framework Powershell Snapin
add-pssnapin Citrix.DeliveryServices.Framework.Commands

###Remove all FeatureClasses
Uninstall-DSFeatureClass -all -confirm:$false

###Verify all Feature Classes have been removed - you should only see {} listed


If there are no DSFeatureClasses are still listed, skip to Citrix.DeliveryServices.UninstallUtil.exe below.  Otherwise, some extra manual cleanup is going to be required.  Using your favorite text editor (Notepad++ in my case), open the Framework.xml file (I usually just run the following from an elevated command prompt.

start notepad++ "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront\Framework\FrameworkData\Framework.xml"

Within Notepad++, search for the tag “<Type>” to get all the guid’s of any remaining Feature Classes.

Back in the elevated Powershell console, repeatedly run the Uninstall-DSFeatureClass for each <Type> guid you found in the Framework.xml:

Uninstall-DSFeatureClass -Type {guid}

Run the uninstall for each guid one at a time – if you get an error, don’t worry about it, skip it and continue on with the next one.  Once you have gone through all of the guids, run:

Uninstall-DSFeatureClass -all -confirm:$false

Verify all DSFeatureClasses have now been removed.  You may need to repeat the above three steps a few times to completely remove all the DSFeatureClasses due to dependencies within them.

**note – don’t forget to reload/refresh Framework.xml in your text edit of choice if you need to go back and do it again to the list of the remaining DS Feature Classes**

Once all DS Feature Classes have been removed, close PowerShell and open an elevated Command Prompt and run Citrix.DeliveryServices.Install.Uninstall.exe.



StoreFront should successfully uninstall for you now and disappear from Add/Remove programs.  Reboot the machine from the elevated command prompt:

shutdown /f /r /t 0

After logging back in, open an elevated Command Prompt and cleanup any leftover folders by running:

rd /q /s "C:\ProgramData\Citrix\DeliveryServicesUninstall"
rd /q /s "C:\Program Files\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront"

Don’t worry if you get a “The system cannot find the file specified” error message – that just means the folder has already been removed or doesn’t exist anymore.

Finally, using Windows Explorer navigate to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot and verify the Citrix directory has been removed – if it has not been removed, manually check it’s contents for anything you need to keep and then delete C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Citrix.

You should now be ready to install a fresh version of StoreFront.

HOWTO: Schedule Daily Netscaler VPX Reboots via Powershell

We often utilize Citrix’s NetScaler VPX running on VMware ESXi 5.5 to allow our clients to securely connect to their Citrix infrastructure from outside the firewall.  For the most part – it works well.  Unfortunately though, our experience has taught us that occasionally NSVPX goes all fubar on it’s own after a few days of running and stops processing connection requests once the user logs in.  A simple reboot of the NSVPX VM usually resolves the user’s connectivity issues..

To combat this issue, I wrote a Powershell script that we run as a daily scheduled task on our management server to have vCenter automatically restart the machine once a day.  You could easily modify this script to reboot any VM you want though.

To configure daily VM rebooting, the current VMware PowerCLI client needs to be installed on the machine that will be running the scheduled reboot.  Once the VMware PowerCLI is installed, you need to create 3 files on the management machine:

  1. daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd – which is the wrapper that will call PowerShell from TaskScheduler (see below in for cut and paste of the file contents)
  2. daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1 – which is the actual PowerShell script that executes the reboot (see below for cut and paste of the file contents)
  3. daily_nsvpx_reboot.pwd – which is an encrypted file that contains the vCenter user’s password

To create the file daily_nsvpx_reboot.pwd, open PowerShell and run the following command:

read-host -assecurestring "Enter Password" | convertfrom-securestring | out-file c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.pwd

At the “Enter Password” prompt, enter the password of the user account you will be using that has rights in vCenter or the ESXi host to perform VM restarts.

You may also need to set the PowerShell Execution Policy to support remote signed scripts such as daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1.  To do this, open PowerShell and run the following command and select Yes when prompted:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

After creating daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd and daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1 (see below for file contents of these two files), edit daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1 and adjust the variables for $server, $user, and $vm2reboot to fit your environment (these three variables are all defined at the top of the script).

Lastly, you need to schedule daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd to run daily.  I’ve set 4:15 am local time in the example shown below, but you can adjust as required.  To schedule the task, open an Administrative command prompt and run the following command (adjust domain\username to be the same user account that has rights in vCenter or the ESXi host to perform VM restarts):

schtasks /create /tn "Daily NSVPX Reboot" /tr C:\WINDOWS\DAILY_NSVPX_REBOOT.CMD /sc daily /st 04:15:00 /rp "*" /ru "domain\username"

All that is left do now is test run daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd and see that it runs and reboots the NSVPX.  If you are monitoring via ProcExp or TaskManager on the management machine, you should note low CPU usage followed by several spikes up to 50% (it is single threaded), and you should be able to see in the NSVPX console via vCenter when it reboots.

And as always – Use any tips, tricks, or scripts I post at your own risk.

daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd – file contents

rem — begin cut and paste of notepad c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd
@echo off
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -noprofile -File C:\Windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1
exit /b
rem — end cut and paste of c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.cmd —

daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1 – file contents

    ###— begin cut and paste of notepad c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1

    ### Daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1
    ### @deancolpitts –
    ### 2015.01.02
    ### This script will attempt to perform a graceful VM restart via the VMware Tools inside the guest.

    ### Variables – please only adjust server, user, and vm2reboot.  Any other variables should not be touched.
    ### Server is the vCenter server or ESXi host’s FQDN, while user is the vCenter user or ESXi user account.
    ### if any smtp variables present, they should be self-explanatory.

    $server = “vcenter.domain.fqdn”
    $user = “vcenter_username”
    $vm2reboot = “nsvpx”

    ### Read the encrypted user password from “c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.pwd”
    ### Use the following commented out PowerShell command to manually create a new credentials store.
    ### Enter the user’s password when prompted while running the read-host command
    ### read-host -assecurestring “Enter Password” | convertfrom-securestring | out-file c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.pwd

    $credentialFile = “c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.pwd”
    $pass = cat $credentialFile | convertto-securestring
    $credentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $user,$pass

    add-pssnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    if ( $DefaultVIServers.Length -lt 1 )
    Connect-VIServer -Server $server -Protocol https -credential $credentials -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null

    Restart-VM -VM $vm2reboot -RunAsync -Confirm:$false

    ###— end cut and paste of c:\windows\daily_nsvpx_reboot.ps1 —

HOWTO: Remotely log off an ICA / RDP session

Occasionally, folks on my support team will accidentally disconnect from an ICA session at a client location, and I’ll need to log into that same server via RDP with our shared support account and can’t due to the disconnected ICA session.  Rather than taking the time to log into StoreFront, and reconnect to that disconnected session, the quickest thing to do is log it off.  Here is a pretty simple two liner you can run against a remote server to enumerate the user sessions and log a session off.

In an administrative command prompt run:

query session username /server:servername           (where username is the user you want to log off and servername is the server they are logged into, or skip username to show everyone logged in)

Query will return the sessionname, ID, and state of the user’s connection.  To log the user off, run:

logoff ID /server:servername           (where ID is the ID of the session from the previous command of the user you want to log off and servername is the server they are logged into)
