HOWTO: Monitor the rebuild status of a HPE SmartArray in ESXi 5.5

To monitor the rebuild status of a HP SmartArray controller in VMware ESXi 5.5, you need to have the HP VMware tools bundle installed (which is installed if the server was installed from the HP VMware media / ISO).  Once the tools bundle has been installed, simply SSH the server (or go right on the console, either physically or via ILO), login and run:

/opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl all show status

This will provide you a list of all the SmartArray controllers in the server.  From this list, find the slow number of the controller that contains the logical drive you need to check the status on and run the following command (substitute slot=XX for the slot value you determined with the previous command):

/opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=XX ld all show

2016.04.14 - 09.12.11 - SNAGIT -  0000

If you happen to running an older version of ESXi 5.x, or your HP VMware Tools bundle is not somewhat recent, then the commands are somewhat different.  In this case the correct commands are:

ctrl all show
ctrl slot=0 ld all show

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