Updating the firmware of a list of HPE ILO 4 IPs via PowerShell

Recently, I had to update a bunch of HPE ILO 4s at multiple locations. Most of my managed sites have between 3 and 9 ILOs that need updated when HPE pushes out an ILO firmware update. I could have used ILO federation group firmware update, or the ILO Amplifier Pack to do this, but I’m a fan of scripting things so I just have to RDP a server onsite, open a prompt and paste a few lines of code and let it start doing it’s thing, then RDP the next site and do the same thing. So I built a PowerShell script to download the ILO 4 update, extract the .bin file, copy it an IIS server, and then proceed to upgrade each ILO one a time utilizing the ILO RestAPI.

Below is my PowerShell code.  You’ll need to adjust it as required for your own environment.  Be sure to update the items in red where required.  Keep in mind your IIS server ($iisip) will need to have a mime type associated with bin files for this to work.

And as always:

Use any tips, tricks, or scripts I post at your own risk.

### get ILORest here if you need it - https://downloads.hpe.com/pub/softlib2/software1/pubsw-windows/p1440367746/v177187/ilorest-

Import-Module BitsTransfer
$url_zip = "https://downloads.hpe.com/pub/softlib2/software1/sc-windows-fw-ilo/p1012384589/v186433/cp045313.exe"
$binname = "ilo4_275.bin"
$output_path = "C:\TEMP\ILO4"
$output_zip = $output_path + '\cp045313.exe'
$binpath = $output_path + "\" + $binname
$iisip = ""
$iispath = "\\" + $iisip + "\c$\inetpub\wwwroot\" + $binname
New-Item -Path $output_path -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Confirm:$false | out-null
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $url_zip -Destination $output_zip
$7zpath = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$7options = "e "+ $output_zip + " " + "-o" + $output_path + " *.bin"
Start-Process -Wait -Filepath $7zpath -ArgumentList $7options
Copy-item -path $binpath -destination $iispath -force -confirm:$false

$username = "ilo-username"
$password = "ilo-password"
$ILOrest = "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\RESTful Interface Tool\ilorest.exe"
$ILOlist = "$output_path\ilolist.csv"
'iloip' | Out-File $ILOlist
'' | Out-File $ILOlist -Append
'' | Out-File $ILOlist -Append

Import-Csv $ILOlist | Foreach {
$iloip = $_.iloip $args = " firmwareupdate http://" + $iisip + "/" + $binname + " --url " + $iloip + " -u " + $username + " -p " + $password Start-Process -Wait -Filepath $ILOrest -ArgumentList $args }


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